
The pros and cons of shrimp pond aerators have much impact and the main types of aerators


How much affect the pros and cons of the shrimp pond ae […]

How much affect the pros and cons of the shrimp pond aerator:

The pros and cons of shrimp pond aerators have a great influence. A good aerator can bring good harvests to farmers who have been busy for a year. Poor aeration opportunities make the farmers’ efforts in vain, so the quality requirements are very high. strict. The performance of the aerator directly affects the production and cost of aquaculture. If there is a safety risk, it will cause personal and property losses to the fishermen.

People who are engaged in aquatic products have a deeper understanding of aerators, and they deal with aerators every day, but many people are very at a loss when using and buying aerators. They don’t know how to use the aerators correctly, not only do not know how to use them. When buying an aerator, I don’t know what performance to consider. To be honest, for many farmers, the aerator has become a familiar stranger. Then, in addition to the aeration function, the aerator has two other core functions, which many people have overlooked, namely the water stirring and aeration capabilities.

1. The water stirring capacity of the impeller, the impeller aerator has good water stirring performance, and the liquid level is updated quickly, so that the water temperature and dissolved oxygen of the pool water are evenly distributed in a short period of time. The temperature difference and oxygen difference between the upper and lower aquifers of the fishing grounds on a sunny day are large. At this time, turning on the machine can give full play to the volatilization effect of the aerator. The smaller the water surface of the aerator load, the shorter the cycle time of the upper and lower aquifers.

2. The aeration capacity of the impeller. When the impeller aerator is working, the dissolved gas in the water is discharged from the water surface by jumping the water and renewing the liquid level. The rate at which it escapes is proportional to the water concentration of this gas. In other words, the higher the concentration of certain gases in the water, the easier it is to diffuse into the air after starting up. As a result, after starting up, the loss of harmful gases (such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, etc.) accumulated in the lower layer will be greatly accelerated. A fishy smell can be smelled wherever the oxygen machine is blowing. The aerator running at noon also speeds up the escape of water-soluble oxygen in the upper layer, but due to its strong volatilization effect, the amount of dissolved oxygen escape is not high, and most of the dissolved oxygen is still transported to the lower layer through the aerator.

The main types of aerators:

The product types of aerators are mainly as follows:

1. The impeller aerator is a very commonly used aerator. After it is turned on, the impeller agitates the water to form huge waves. The water vapor increases the contact area, dissolves oxygen in the water, and has the water extraction function to promote water convection exchange. . Therefore, the aeration capacity for upper and lower water is relatively strong.

2. The water jet aerator is equipped with a water jet on the submersible pump, which has a relatively simple structure. When in use, the pool water is sprayed into the air to form water mist, and then return to the original pool. In this process, the contact area between water and air is greatly increased, and oxygen is dissolved in the water. The submersible pump is installed in the surface water, so the water jet aerator mainly turns the surface water into oxygen, and the lower water is difficult to oxygenate.

3. The blade spray aerator is designed after combining the advantages of the impeller aerator and the water spray aerator. This machine is equipped with an impeller or water spray aerator according to the situation.

4. The suction aerator makes air enter the water through negative pressure suction, forming water and vortex, and pushing the water forward. Therefore, the mixing force is very strong, and the aeration capacity of the lower water is stronger than that of the impeller type, and the aeration capacity of the upper water is slightly worse than that of the impeller type.

5. Waterwheel type aerator is a type developed with the development of fishery. One of the basic purposes of designing it is to increase oxygen, and the other is to form circulating pond water. Its oxygen efficiency is very low.

6. The vortex aerator is mainly used for aeration in the northern subglacial waters with high aeration efficiency.

7. The dual-purpose floating water pump for aeration and irrigation is developed on the basis of a water spray aerator. Remove the oxygen nozzle and install the drain pipe to become a pump.

8. The water quality improvement aquatic product aerator sucks the mud in the pond into the water and sprays it to oxidize and decompose organic matter to eliminate the oxygen load. It cannot add oxygen to the water body. After starting up, it consumes the oxygen in the water body as the organic matter decomposes. , But on a sunny day, photosynthesis with plankton starts together, which can greatly increase the oxygen storage level of the water body.